Archos 605 Wifi : It’s Great!

I have now had my Archos 605 Wifi for a couple of weeks and I am delighted with it.

Archos ImageI got it as the TSV from QVC and it came with all the extras, the DVR Station, and the Extra Battery Pack, there were a couple of reasons for buying it, first the 160Gb hard disk and the ability with the battery pack to copy from a card reader files while we are on holiday, I tried it last night and was delighted to discover that not only can it copy the files, but it can view Canon Raw format files, although this was not documented any where in the notes.

I have also been able to pull all My Music files and some Video files across to watch/listen to on the plane when go on holiday. So for me the money was well spent.

I now also have a really nice leather case from Mp3 Extras which is far superior to the one supplied with the 605.