Home Assistant Hints and Tips
We are currently making our home smart using Home Assistant and this page is just a handy place to share templates and other tips for setting up Home Assistant.
- Combining Room Assistant and Person Entities
- Convert Fire Sources to real names
- Days to date Template
- Detect Motion on any motion sensor
- Displaying Newsfeeds
- Getting nice messages from “Anniversary”
- How Long since something changed
- List all open doors and windows
- List all sensors unavailable etc
- Lovelace – Custom Button
- Set Light to a Random Colour
- Show Phone Battery status with Macro Example
- Today’s sun values
- Welcome Card for Home Page
- Controlling Switchbot Curtains via Alexa
- Extracting Voicemails from email
- Kitchen Timer Announcement
- Need Lights
- Play Radio on weekdays
- Shopping List – Todoist
- Using a To-Do List for Messages
- Create a “camera” for screenshots in HASS.AGENT
- Creating a template entity with dynamic icon
- Getting Larger Fonts On Small Tablet
- Setting up Github backup for Home Assistant
- Using a Rest Service